Marketing tips by Nino joseph mihilli
marketing tips and ideas can help anyone achieve better sales results, so take
a few moments to study them. I hope you find the following marketing tips and
ideas useful. More importantly, I hope you do something with them.
- · Throw that old marketing guide in the bin!
: If you want to avoid wasting stacks of money and missing countless sales opportunities, throw your old marketing guides and audio programs in the recycling bin! You need to know what works today and the marketing landscape changes rapidly.
So, before putting any marketing tips or marketing tactics into place, check the date of the information you are using.
- Content marketing:-Learn how to use content to market your business!
Content marketing works. In fact, so long as the material you produce is of extremely good quality, Content Marketing can work REALLY well. Last year, I generated over £150,000 in fees and sales from this blog, exclusively through Content Marketing. You may or may not be familiar with the phrase Content Marketing, yet you visit content marketing sites every time you access the Internet. When you visit news sites, entertainment sites or blogs like this, which offer business advice, you are visiting a site that uses content (useful information) to market itself. Content Marketing can successfully be used to market any type of business and it is unbeatable when it comes to attracting new clients, sales leads, inquiries and subscribers.
Email marketing – Start using email marketing NOW
email marketing is extremely cost effective and one of the most powerful marketing tools available to small businesses. This is because it provides predictable results and costs little or nothing to useusiness owners who spent time and money building their Facebook Page discovered in 2013, that Facebook is showing their posts to just a tiny fraction of their fans. If they want all their Facebook fans to see their posts, they now need to pay Facebook. Facebook owns their network! This change of the rules is a perfect example of why you need to avoid outsourcing your network, to a social network. Email marketing puts you in control and allows you to build an increasingly valuable asset.
- · Internet marketing – Start taking your website seriously
Most small businesses are unaware that their website is capable of being a 24/7, lead generating or sales machine.
- · Use inbound or ‘attraction marketing’ — not pursuit marketing
am sure you will have noticed what happens whenever a beautiful woman or a
handsome man walks into a crowded room or a bar? People look at
them. In fact, some people will actually walk over to them and offer them
a drink or strike up a conversation with them. The reason we call these
kind of physically striking people ‘attractive’ is that they literally attract
the attention and also the interest of other people.
you might be wondering at this point, what this has to do with you and your
marketing? The most successful businesses ALL use the same power of
attraction I just highlighted, in order to attract sales, clients readers or
customers. The most successfully marketed businesses gain the attention
and interest of potential clients by making themselves attractive.- · Do some competitor research
impossible to effectively sell or market your services unless you have
researched your competitors. You need to know what offers, guarantees, prices
or fees you are selling against, in order to make YOUR offering the most
attractive to potential clients.
my experience, business owners often assume that the service they offer
to potential clients is superb, when in reality it’s pretty average, when
compared to what their competitors are offering. One of the reasons for this,
is that a key way service providers gather feedback on their competitors, is
when they speak with former clients of their competitors. An accountant, for
example, speaking with the disgruntled, former client of one of her competitors
is likely to get a very biased, worst case scenario view.
- · Joint Venture
known as a J.V, a Joint Venture is where you and another business or person get
together to (usually) cross-market your services. The key to Joint Venture
success, is to find someone credible, who offers a non-conflicting product or
service to the exact same profile of person or business as you do.
if you sell recruitment services to the hospitality industry and they sell
employee benefits packages to the hospitality industry – BINGO! They can
include one of your flyers or letters in one of their mailings and you can do
the same for them; everybody wins. Avoid doing a Joint Venture with anyone who
contacts you via email, unless of course you know them or can check them
out. If in doubt, leave it.
- · Endorsed Relationships
endorsed relationship is similar to a joint venture – But with a massive
difference: The person you do the venture with actually gives you their
professional or personal endorsement. This is marketing gold dust.
example: Rather than just slipping one of YOUR marketing flyers in with one of
THEIR client mailings (as they would in a Joint Venture), they actually write
to their clients and give you their full endorsement.
endorsed relationship is one of the most powerful marketing tools on the planet.
I have seen endorsed mail shots and emails return a 90% positive response rate.
- · Don’t mistake movement for progress
have worked with thousands of businesspeople and found something amazing. The
owners of under performing businesses almost always work just as hard, and
sometimes even harder, than the owners of successful ones. At first glance,
this doesn’t seem to make sense – until you dig a little deeper and realise
that the reason their hard work is getting them nowhere, is that they mistake movement for progress..
you find yourself working hard on your marketing and NOT getting the sales
results you want, STOP! Make sure you are doing the right things, then
ensure you are doing them correctly. If you are not already doing any of
the above marketing activities – give them a go because we already know they work
extremely well. That’s a great place to start.
- · Hustle… do ALL the work!
Internet is packed with people selling the idea that you can automate your way
to success. They offer products, programs, webinars, seminars and services,
which promise shortcuts to success.
Nice informative post, for sure old marketing strategies are becoming obsolete with the advent of digital marketing strategies like content marketing, bulk sms & more!