Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Nino Joseph Mihilli's Excellent communicaton skill.

A direct connection between communication skills and the art of successful leadership. Most of us would agree that there is. But is there a direct connection between blogging and leadership. That may be more of a reach.

Can the process of writing a blog help to develop communication skills that will prove useful in leadership? In my opinion the answer is yes, but a qualified yes. Writing a blog won’t help anyone become a good writer who never learned to write competently in the first place. Perhaps even more important, writing a blog won’t help anyone become a thought leader who hasn’t developed any original thoughts.To make a real mark in history, a leader has to communicate a vision that people understand. The vision must be powerful enough to motivate them to follow. In decades past, for instance, the men who became President of the United States typically were graduates of liberal arts education, trained in the arts of debate, oratory, and essay composition. They knew how to make their points.

No matter which end of the political spectrum you favor, most of us would agree that Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan were gifted communicators. Though obviously they benefited from the help of speechwriters behind the scenes, both were skillful writers on their own, as proved by their private documents and letters.

many parents steer their children away from liberal arts education and into the so-called “STEM” subjects—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—in hopes of giving them a competitive edge in the future job market. Education, even in non-quantitative fields, has moved away from essay examinations to more easily graded multiple-choice examinations. Many students who reach medical school have little experience in writing a structured essay, and even less formal training in grammar and composition. They may never have had their writing critiqued by a professor, let alone blue-penciled by a professional editor.
These issues bring us back to our original question about the potential benefits of writing a blog, and whether it can improve communication skills.
The more information about Nino Joseph Mihilli

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